We enjoyed the beautiful St. Patrick's Day weather on the swing and investigating the yard. Here are some swinging pictures and a video.

And here is a picture of Mati trying to put a pine cone back on a tree. Our Christmas tree is still drying out in the yard. Mati saw the hole drilled into it for the tree stand and decided that would be a great place to put the pine cone. She looks like such a big girl in this picture!
And here's a cute joke/story my principal told me today...
A man is touring Europe and stops in for a mass in Italy. He notices inside the church there are tall white pillars and attached to the pillars are gold telephones with a sign posted "Direct line to heaven, $1,000 per call." He attends mass at another church in Italy and sees the same white pillars, same gold phone, and the same sign "Direct line to heaven, $1,000 per call." He asks the priest, "What's the story with these telephones?" The priest replies "They are just as they look. For $1,000 you can make a direct call to heaven." The man continues his travels and ends up in Ireland. He attends mass and sees the same white pillars, the same gold telephone, but this time the sign reads "Direct line to heaven, $.25 per call." The man asks the Irish priest, "I was in Italy and they had these same phones but it was $1,000 per call, why is it only 25 cents here?" The Irish priest replies, "Aye laddy, you're in Ireland now. 'Tis a LOCAL call!"