The fair was a blast! It turns out Uncle Eric is a ringer at carnival games. With just a few tosses he won Aly an elephant. We went through 2 buckets of rings with no success; Eric tries again, a few tosses and we get the snake. Mati could not be more thrilled with this snake. The tail even rattles! She wanted to carry it which is nearly impossible so Doug picked her up so she could "ride" it.

Mati tried putting the snake's tongue on everyone that walked by to give out snake kisses.

Up, up, up in on the giant ferris wheel.

Mati and Aly giving the circus train a try.

The all-star pony rider. No walk-along needed anymore.

Driving the jeep. Every seat has a steering wheel, which is why the kid in the back cracks me up, sitting back like Mati is his chauffeur.

I love this picture, it shows the total joy she took in every ride. Smiling, laughing, squealing all afternoon.

This time she got to drive the circus train.
Mati and Aly riding the rockets:
Doug & Mati on the spinning strawberry ride.