We traveled a short 4 miles to our favorite tree farm for our tree cutting excursion.
IT WAS FREEZING! We bundled up Mati (she was happy), we took a tractor ride to the drop-off spot (she was happy), we said "Hello" to the reindeer (she was happy), we walked in the very cold wind to find our tree (she was not happy.) We made our tree selection in record time then high-tailed it back to warmth. We were able to catch a few good pictures though.
Trying to get all of our faces through the tree. Believe it or not, this is the best shot.

Mati trying to climb in to the reindeer cage.

We found it! Doug starts the cutting process.

Mati really wanted to pull the tree wagon; she just can't quite figure out how to do it.
Mati and Doug, proud of the tree!

Mati and I thinking, "Wow, its cold!"

The finished product. Mati helping decorate after her bath. We have a device that you step on to turn the lights off and on... she loves it! And so far she insists if she's around the lights must be on.
hope it's warmer for the next tree trip w/ the other Armock's