Saturday, February 27, 2010

Snow Wall part 2

Doug thought it would be fun for Mati to stand near the snow wall to get an idea of its size. Mati is roughly 34" and the wall is taller than she is! Mati thinks its fun to run out and grab snow and bring it into the house as seen in these pictures.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Wall

The upside to living in a rural area is the beautiful view of the snowfall on the countryside; the downside is the drifting! Doug has to plow and re-plow so much. Here is the view of our deck right now... the drift is over 3 feet tall!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dance, Dance, Dance

Mati loves to dance, but no one quite gets her moving like "The Laurie Berkner Band" and especially the song "I'm Gonna Catch You." OK, to be very specific she only dances during the chorus. Doug taught her to dance by moving Little People action figures which could explain her special style. Maybe we should dance more as a family so she can add to her repertoire?

This is Mati's formula for an awesome dance: 1. Baby-step jog in place, 2. Right leg kick (only the right leg mind you!), and 3. Turn in a circle. I think this could easily be adapted to adult dance so you are welcome to try this at your next wedding reception or social function; I'm sure you'll be a hit!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

First Guitar Lesson

Doug is moving on in Mati's musical studies; she is comfortable with keyboards, time for the guitar.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Satellite Sledding!

Doug is the master of inventions. When we moved into our house it came with a huge, old, non-functional satellite dish. Doug dug it out of the ground and has been saving it behind the barn knowing all along "I'll think of something to do with it." His invention... SLEDDING! He hooked a chain to the dish and and the other end to the tractor and away we went. It is really fun!!!
Doug hooking up the chain.

Daddy and Mati just before the ride.

Mati and Mommy on board, ready to take off.

Videos of the rides:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cookie Baking on the Snow Day

Mati and I enjoyed the snow day by baking cookies. She likes to get completely involved which included putting her hands in the cookie mix, pouring the cookie mix on the counter, and grabbing handfuls of dough.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I can do it myself!

Doug built Mati a step stool for the bathroom; now she can stand at the sink for teeth-brushing and hand-washing. She's so proud of being able to reach for herself.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Congratulations Joe & Sarah

My little brother Joe married Sarah on January 30th. Now all 5 Armocks are married. They had a fun wedding and I'm sure are now having a wonderful time in Hawaii!


Last week Mati took a typical toddler stumble that resulted in a buckle fracture of her left wrist. The orthopedist said they typically don't cast one-year-olds because their arms are cylindrical and they pull the cast off, so she has a custom made splint. She's taking it like a champ!