If you're not a Dora fan this will not mean much to you, but it was too cool for Mati.
Driving Tico's car.

Planting flowers in Isa's garden.

Hanging out with Dora and Boots.

In the Dinosphere (those are actual fossils behind us.)

Moving around the eggs in the dinosaur's nest. Every exhibit has something for kids to touch or wear to get in on the action.

Saturday we went to the zoo. Because Mati is such a Dora fan she insisted on reading the map. She couldn't quite tell how how to get places but she could identify the animals she wanted to go see.
One of my favorite spot in the African plains exhibit, the elephants.

Mati loves trains and loved taking a train ride around the park.

Watching the seals with dad.

Its hard to choose the highlight of the day, but this experience was pretty far up there... petting a shark. These are dog sharks. They were around 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 feet long and they feel very soft. Mati was excited to touch them.
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