Here's Mati holding our temporary pet, "Fred." Fred is a caterpillar Doug found in the driveway.

Here he is in his home, a pickle jar. So far we have fed it chocolate cake, ice cream, pickles, cheese (Swiss), salami, a lollipop, cherry pie, sausage, cupcakes and watermelon. Well... seriously we've fed it lettuce, an apple and small piece of banana. In actuality it eats leaves but we seem to be in short supply of leaves right now, nothing is blooming. I'm on the hunt for a leaf for the little guy. Maybe an indoor plant leaf? Do you want to eat a peace plant leaf Fred?

Mati proudly showing off the jar. I've read online how to care for him so we'll see if we can make a go of it. It could be a cool spring break project.
and I thought it was a real jar of real pickles! like Aly loves!